Man’s Nature
MAN'S NATURE When Man was created, he was planned a perfect human being with endless human life. He was neither Immortal nor Mortal. The word mortal means "death-doomed" or "Satan-ruled."…
MAN'S NATURE When Man was created, he was planned a perfect human being with endless human life. He was neither Immortal nor Mortal. The word mortal means "death-doomed" or "Satan-ruled."…
HIGH TREASON The sin of Adam was the crime of High Treason. God had conferred upon him the legal authority to rule the Universe. This Universe-wide Dominion was the most…
NATURE OF MAN'S SIN This is the old problem that has confronted Theologians in every generation since Calvary.What was the nature of man's original transgression? It could not have been…
SOME FACTS ABOUT The day of PENTECOST THERE is always a danger of reading into the Old Testament and the four Gospels some of the facts that are only revealed…
THE TWO KINDS OF KNOWLEDGE Years ago in California, a miner found his claim was giving out. He had but a cabin. It had become a home to him. His…
WAYS TO LOVE OTHERS LIKE JESUS We can’t shepherd our churches until we learn to love people the way Jesus does. Jesus is the best model for loving others. That’s…
What We Are In Christ ANY believers are afraid to say that they are in Christ and are afraid to act as though is true. The Father has declared in…
Guaranteed Failure Numbers 14:36-45One of the greatest strategies Satan has used since the beginning of time is to tempt believers to reject God's voice and follow after their own self-will.…
FRUITS OF RIGHTEOUSNES 2 Cor. 9:10, "And increase the fruits of your righteousness." This Scripture has been challenging my spirit for some time. I often wondered what the fruits of…
Which Voice Will You Hear? Moses sent twelve of the leaders of the tribes of Israel to explore the Promised Land. After exploring for forty days, they returned. The entire…
When The Odds Are Stacked Against You When Gideon and his men had received complete assurance of God's presence, the Lord did one more thing to be sure they would…
When God Manifests His Presence When God called Gideon He was not depending on what He was, rather what He knew He could make of him! God called Gideon a…