The recent economic shockwaves in the economies of major nations around the world only mirror what will soon happen in every major nation in the world. To prepare properly for God’s prosperity plan, you need to understand the coming financial events of the end-time hour so you can prosper as His child — even in the midst of worldwide economic chaos!

God does not do anything without first warning His people through His prophets.

“Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7). The purpose of prophecy is not to scare us, but to prepare us. Do not be afraid of the economic conditions around you. Do not wring your hands and fret about what you are going to do. Do not try to figure out your finances in the natural realm with head knowledge.

Hear me on this — God wants you to control your financial destiny and your resources through the Holy Spirit and not the spirit of this age. God wants you to prosper despite the economic chaos that will affect this world in these final days of time.

God is going to release an end-time financial anointing upon His people — unlike anything ever seen before in spiritual history — so they can rise above the world’s financial problems and enter into God’s divine business cycle. He will bless you regardless of current credit or stock market circumstances! God will prosper you even in the midst of end-time economic chaos! Even the heathen will see you are blessed and will actually tremble in your presence!

And it shall be to me a name of joy, a praise and an honour before all the nations of the earth, which shall hear all the good that I do unto them: and they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness and for all the prosperity that I procure unto it. (Jeremiah 33:9)

When Israel entered their Promised Land, God blessed them with the good of the land. They ate fruit from trees they had not planted. They harvested grain from fields they had not sown. As they battled their way across the land that God had promised them, they didn’t have to worry about food for their armies. God supernaturally provided. The wealth of the wicked Canaanites fell into Israel’s hands.

That is exactly what God wants to do for you during the days, weeks, months, and years ahead. As circumstances in the economic world deteriorate, God wants you to tap into His abundant provision.

Like Israel, He wants you to eat of the good of the land. No more manna. No more scrambling around each day wondering where you will get your next meal. Abundant provision. Supernatural supply. That is God’s promise. It is your inheritance — so claim it!

Make this declaration:

I will be eating the good of the land. No more manna. Abundant provision, supernatural supply. That is God’s promise to me.


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